Useful codes and tools

To find the place where you have to add the meta tags,
you will need to go to your layout configuration.

first, click on the "my layouts" button on the left-hand menu,
then click on the layout > configuration > meta tags. 

Check the next screenshots showing where to find it: 

My Image
My Image
My Image

- Redirecting a site after a specific time:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url='


The value you add where the "1" is, must be the seconds your website will
take to redirect to the new page. 

- Facebook Meta Tag Debug URL:

If you share your website on Facebook and It's not showing the correct share image and title even though you already changed it, you may need to place the website's link on this tool to fix it. 

Click on the next button to access the tool:

- Code to Insert an Image into Your Meta Tag

​​​​​​​<meta property="og:image" content="URLdaimagem">