My Email Keeps Landing In SPAM!

If you are dealing with spam problems, check the next post that will explain how to configure everything from 0 to have a better score on the delivering of your Emails. 

1) Your From Email is not your professional email.

Solution: Change the From Email in your account, lists and campaigns to your professional email, do not use email like; Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.

​​​​​​​Click below to see all images 

2) Verify your domain. The domain must point to this nameservers: - or - (depending on where is your domain connected)


This is very important because not only looks more professional, It will help your Emails to avoid spam

3) Check the TXT

If you click on your domain is going to show you the TXT records which has to be the same as the result when you check on What's my DNS​​​​​​​ page. Here is a video explaining the steps you need to


If you already connected the domain in Site Builder, It will automatically be the same but If there's a mismatch, please go ahead and change it in your hosting provider configuration.

4) You are now ready to create a subscriber's list, in the configuration It is highly recommended to be Doble Opt-in which means that the users need to confirm the subscription in order to send Emails to them.
I know that must of the people prefer that they get directly to the list but this step is really important to avoid the spam folder. ​​​​​​​

5) Time to create your first campaign!.
​​​​​​​I highly recommend that you create a test list and a campaign to track the delivery of your messages before sending it to your clients.
​​​​​​​When you are configuring your actual campaign is really important that the FROM email matches the domain you already verified. 


6) After you finished configuring everything in Mailing Boss, you can go to your website and connect everything. 

Make sure to select the Email Marketing Form (and NOT a contact form, which has a totally different purpose), log in to your Mailing Boss account and then select the list you created before

7) Do more tests. Try to opt-in your website with different Email accounts (not only Gmail). Run tests on Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, etc. and check if the messages are sending to the inbox and if they are not, just whitelist it! 

Gmail has the hardest spam filters, but if you whitelist your messages just once, then It will help a lot to continue sending to the inbox and your domain will have a good reputation. 

Unfortunately, after a message is getting in the spam folder It will send it there forever unless you let Gmail know it's not actual spam, It's like training those platforms before sending your Emails :)

8) Use tools for spam core testing. You can use Subjectline​​​​​​​ or Mail Tester ​​​​​​​

Please, be aware that none of the tools is 100% accurate, but they help a lot to check the content and let you know if you need to change something.

Here are more tips!

Purchased Lists are a Trap

You know those websites which promise you thousands of emails if you buy their lists? Trap alert! Most of those emails are old or nonexistent, and will give you a one-way ticket to the spamming land. Let’s avoid that, shall we?

What You Say Matters

Words to the wind? I don’t think so… The Spam Filters will care about what you wrote on your email, deciding if you deserve to be considered spam or not. Unfortunately, there isn’t an accurate list of the specific words which label your email as spam, but we can avoid words and phrases like "free," "promotion," “be your own boss," or “work at home,” for example. Common sense also helps a lot. Exclamation marks and question marks shouldn’t be used too much. You don’t want to yell at your clients or sound like you have too many questions to ask, right? 

CAPS IS ALSO CONSIDERED YELLING. And again, we don’t want that. If you want to emphasize something, choose only ONE word to be in caps (See what I did there?).

Dominated Domains

Sending emails with your own domain also keeps you farther away from spam. Common domains like and are used by a lot of people, and some of them might actually be sending spams. However, your domain is used only by you and your company, so it will be kept clean as long as your emails are cool.

Size Defines

Don’t go writing a campaign as long as a testimony. Most people have do not want to read an incredibly long email, and Spam Filters are also not too found of them. A pretty and direct to the point email attracts attention and likability! 

An image speaks more than a thousand words, but keep the words

A text version of your email not only assists in not being caught by spam filters but also guarantees that your clients are going to be able to open your email, even though the HTML reader option is not on!

You got Whitelisted

Kindly ask your clients to save your “from address" in their Contact List to receive future emails. It will help to prove that your clients are interested in your emails and want to receive them in their inbox.

Also, avoid to change your from address too much; it helps your clients to know that the emails are coming from your business, and not a contact that they don’t know or are not interested in. One last point on this topic, or are not always liked by Mailbox Providers.

Double or Single?

Double Opt-In makes sure that all the emails which entered your lists are confirmed before you send your campaigns. The clients not only subscribes to your list, but it reassures that they wanted to receive your news! Therefore, you know that their email is real and it’s being used by them. Jackpot!

Do you remember me?

Clients can be very fickle. Your customers can easily forget or even replace you if you don’t keep in contact. If they don’t remember whom this message is from, it might get deleted without even being read! Your open ratio will get hurt along with your reputation. Send something at least once a week so that they know you are there for them, during the good and bad times. Isn’t that what best friends are for?

Have you checked your email?

The use of Spam Checkers also helps a lot. After you finished editing your email according to our tips, do the final test. is one of the best in the market, check it out!

Having Issues with Gmail?

Gmail gives everyone a hard time, but we are working to improve the deliverability to Gmail accounts. The fact that your messages were delivered to the inbox of all the other providers but no Gmail shows that we are dealing with a special case here.

All users that have domains with a good reputation are delivering to Gmail inbox, but some with new domains or domains that didn't achieve a certain level of reputation are not passing the Gmail spam filters.

If you perform a search on Google for "Gmail delivering my messages to the spam folder" you will see a lot of users sending legitimate emails complaining about their spam filters. Just as an example, an email from Google AdWords goes to a Google mail spam folder. If even emails from Google are going to the spam folder, think about ours... But, as I said, we are working hard to make it better as soon as possible.